What is it? If you are dealing with items that have a lot of different addresses in a large geographic area, you may want to be able to select only the items that are within so many miles of a particular zip code.
How does it work? We use a zip code database that contains the longitude and latitude of the center of each zip code. Using that information, we can determine which zip codes are within a radius of so many miles from a particular zip code, and we can determine how far apart two zip codes are from each other.
To see this in action, load
this page. It is a page on a website call Schools Galore, which is a site that helps people find training and education in various subjects. There are thousands of schools in their database, and we know the physical address of each one.
The page you've loaded lets you enter your zip code, and then it finds the schools offering training in your chosen subject that are closest to you. Try entering "90012" into the "Zip" textbox and clicking on "Find Schools Now". After a slight delay, you'll see a list of schools near zip code 90012, listed in order of the distance from the 90012 zip code (closest schools first). The distance of each school from the zip code entered is shown.
This is accomplished using our "Zip Code Radius" technology. Pretty cool, huh?